Virtual Shows

Social distancing doesn’t have to mean missing out on entertainment. Liam has taken is most popular close up and stage routines and created a new show designed for an online environment. He’s also made his Team Building Workshops available through online channels. He’s successfully performed his virtual Magic show for large companies, Government departments and private events.

Virtual Show Testermonial

Magic Shows

You have a work event, birthday or any other event where you would normally have entertainment but there are restrictions on gatherings of people. You can still have a great event and bring everyone together with a bespoke magic show presented virtually.  

Key points,

This  is not a passive experience, participants will be engaged in the show just like a live show

Can be presented on your platform of choice – Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams etc

Zoom Magic Show snippet - Liam Power
Magician Sydney - Zoom Testermonial
Magician Sydney -Liam Power Sydney Magician - Promo Photo - About/Bio


Looking for a, unique and practical team building idea that can be done while working from home, why not a Virtual Magic Workshop? A Magic Workshop not only a fun and unique activity but improves participants presentation & communication skills. 

Participants will,

Present magic tricks to co workers improving presentation skills

Gain confidence in front of a crowd

Learn how to “read people’s mind”

Learn how to find a card from a shuffled deck

Learn how to vanish a coin

And much much more!

Enquire Now 

Magician Sydney - Zoom Testermonial